LC control no. | n 84802045 |
Descriptive conventions | rda |
Personal name heading | Perron, Oskar, 1880-1975 |
Birth date | 1880-05-07 |
Death date | 1975-02-22 |
Place of birth | Frankenthal (Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany) |
Place of death | Munich (Germany) |
Profession or occupation | Mathematicians College teachers |
Found in | LCCN 62-40933: His Nichteuklidische Elementargeometrie der Ebene, 1962 (hdg.: Perron, Oskar, 1880- ) Wikidata via Wikipedia, December 17, 2019 (alias: Oskar Perron, Perron, Перрон; sex or gender: male; occupation: mathematician, university teacher; field of work: partial differential equation; LCAuth identifier: n84802045; VIAF identifier: 110565316; GND identifier: 116082410; place of birth: Frankenthal; place of death: Munich; country of citizenship: Germany; date of birth: +1880-05-07T00:00:00Z; date of death: +1975-02-22T00:00:00Z; Mathematics Genealogy Project identifier: 46877; instance of: human; Freebase identifier: /m/0555j3; award received: Bavarian Order of Merit; member of: German Academy of Sciences Leopoldina, Bavarian Academy of Sciences and Humanities, Heidelberg Academy for Sciences and Humanities, Göttingen Academy of Sciences, Heidelberg Academy for Sciences and Humanities; employer: Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich, Heidelberg University; given name: Oskar; MacTutor id (biographies): Perron; Open Library identifier: OL148631A; doctoral advisor: Ferdinand von Lindemann; Heidelberg Academy for Sciences and Humanities member ID (P2273): 552; zbMATH author ID: perron.oskar; SNAC Ark ID (P3430): w6gz714p; work location: Munich; languages spoken or published: German; BIBSYS identifier: 90727519; BAV (Vatican Library) identifier: ADV12248083; NUKAT authorities: n2004004535; ISNI (P213): 0000000110828168; SHARE Catalogue author ID (P3987): 58153; CONOR identifier: 152880483; educated at: Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich; surname: Perron; Commons category: Oskar Perron ; NTA identifier (Netherlands): 15076622X; described by source: Heidelberg Scholar Lexicon 1803-1932, Obalky; father: Heinrich Perron; SUDOC authorities: 032483945; BnF identifier: 123505111; doctoral student: Georgi Bradistilov; NKC identifier: mub2015864562; description/label: deutscher Mathematiker, Duits wiskundige, German mathematician, matamaiticeoir Gearmánach, matemàtic alemany, matematician german, matemático alemán, matematico tedesco, matematikan gjerman, matematisyen alman, mathématicien allemand, německý matematik, professor académico alemão, Saksamaa matemaatik, tysk matematikar, tysk matematiker, מתמטיקאי גרמני) <> |