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Solomon ka Dinuzulu, 1893-1933

LC control no.n 85011479
Personal name headingSolomon ka Dinuzulu, 1893-1933
    Browse this term in  LC Authorities  or the  LC Catalog
Variant(s)Solomon, Zulu chief, 1893-1933
Dinuzulu, Solomon ka, 1893-1933
KaDinuzulu, Solomon, 1893-1933
Found inMarks, S. The ambiguities of dependence, c1985: CIP galley (Solomon ka Dinuzulu, heir to the last Zulu monarch)
LC manual cat. (hdg.: Solomon, Zulu chief, 1893-1933)
To bind the nation, 1993: t.p. (Solomon kaDinuzulu)
Not found inStand. encyc., S. Afr.; Hist. dict., S. Afr., 1983