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Binder, Eberhard

LC control no.n 85016950
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingBinder, Eberhard
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Variant(s)Binder-Stassfurt, Eberhard
Stassfurt, Eberhard Binder-
Birth date19240502
Death date19980309
Place of deathMagdeburg (Germany)
Profession or occupationGraphic artists Illustrators Book designers
Found inQuaas, M. Projekt Atlantis, 1982: t.p. (Eberhard Binder)
LC data base, 3-19-85 (hdg.: Binder, Eberhard; usage: Eberhard Binder; Eberhard Binder-Stassfurt)
Daumann, R. Der Untergang der Dakota, 1958: colophon (Eberhard Binder-Stassfurt)
German Wikipedia, viewed Mar. 20, 2015 (Eberhard Binder; Eberhard Binder-Stassfurt; b. 2 May 1924 in Stassfurt, d. 9 Mar. 1998 in Magdeburg; German graphic designer, illustrator, and book designer)
Invalid LCCNn 86028733