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Beutler, Johannes

LC control no.n 85041301
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingBeutler, Johannes
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Associated placeFrankfurt am Main (Germany) Rome (Italy)
Birth date19331003
Place of birthHamburg (Germany)
Philosophisch-Theologische Hochschule Sankt Georgen (Frankfurt am Main, Germany) Pontificio Istituto biblico
Profession or occupationNew Testament scholars Theologians
Found inHirschmann, J. B. Ja zu Gott im Dienst an der Welt, 1984: title page (Johannes Beutler SJ)
LC data base, 6-18-85 (hdg.: Beutler, Johannes)
Habt keine Angst, 1984: title page (Johannes Beutler) page 4 of cover (SJ; born 1933; professor of New Testament at Philosophisch-Theologische Hochschule Sankt Georgen, Frankfurt am Main)
Beutler, Johannes. Das Johannesevangelium, 2013: title page (Johannes Beutler) jacket flap (Johannes Beutler SJ; born 1933; professor of New Testament at Philosophisch-Theologische Hochschule Sankt Georgen, at Pontificia Università gregoriana, and at Pontificio Istituto biblico)
German Wikipedia, viewed March 5, 2015 (Johannes Beutler SJ; born October 3, 1933, in Hamburg: German Catholic theologian and professor emeritus of New Testament)
Associated languageger