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Wohlmuth, Josef

LC control no.n 85048793
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingWohlmuth, Josef
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Other standard no.0000000108718250
Associated countryGermany
Associated placeBonn (Germany) Cologne (Germany)
Birth date1938-01-07
Place of birthHeideck (Germany)
Profession or occupationTheologians Religious educators
University and college faculty members
Found inVerstàˆndigung in der Kirche, 1983: title page (Josef Wohlmuth) back cover (born 1938)
LC data base, March 1, 1985 (hdg.: Wohlmuth, Josef)
Deutsche Nationalbibliothek online catalog, viewed February 15, 2022 (authorized access point: Wohlmuth, Josef; other data in authority record: Prof. Dr.; German theologian and university professor; born 1938 in Laibstadt; active in Bonn)
Attraktive Fremdheit Gottes, c2024: t.p. (Josef Wohlmuth)
Wikipedia, viewed October 1, 2024 (Josef Wohlmuth; born January 7, 1938 in Laibstadt, Bavaria; German Roman Catholic theologian; university lecturer at the universities of Cologne and Bonn)
Associated languageger