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Castel, Nico

LC control no.n 85078657
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingCastel, Nico
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Variant(s)Kalinhoff, Naftali Chaim Castel
Castel Kalinhoff, Naftali Chaim
Associated countryUnited States
Birth date1931-08-01
Death date2015-05-31
Place of birthLisbon (Portugal)
Place of deathManhattan (New York, N.Y.)
Field of activityOpera Singing--Diction
AffiliationMetropolitan Opera (New York, N.Y.)
Profession or occupationOpera singers Tenors (Singers)
Vocal coaches
Found inOffenbach, J. The tales of Hoffmann [SR] 1985?, p1972: container (Nico Castel) booklet p. 3 (tenor)
A singer's manual of Spanish lyric diction, c1994: CIP t.p. (Nico Castel) data sheet (b. Aug. 1, 1931)
The New York times website, June 4, 2015: obituary published June 3, 2015 (Nico Castel; born Naftali Chaim Castel Kalinhoff on Aug. 1, 1931 in Lisbon, Portugal; reared in Venezuela; d. Sunday [May 31, 2015] in Manhattan, N.Y.; operatic tenor; appeared in nearly 800 performances with the Metropolitan Opera from the 1970s onward; made his Met debut on Mar. 30, 1970; had a career as the company's staff diction coach for 3 decades until retiring in 2009)