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Uittenbosch, Anneke

LC control no.n 85097064
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingUittenbosch, Anneke
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Variant(s)Uitenbosch, Anneke
Place of birthHaarlem (Netherlands)
Profession or occupationHarpsichordists
Found inBach, C.P.E. 6 preussische Sonaten [SR] p1983: label (Anneke Uittenbosch) insert p. 1 (harpsichord player; b. Haarlem)
Bayern's Residenzen und Fürstenhöfe: Nürnberg [SR] 197- : label (Anneke Uitenbosch, harpsichord)
Schwann artist issue, 10th ed. (Uittenbosch, Anneke)
Not found inInt. ww music, 8th-10th eds.; Dictionnaire des interprètes.
Invalid LCCNn 79106991