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LC control no.n 85098219
Descriptive conventionsrda
Corporate name headingMechitarists
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Benedictine Armenian Antonines
Congregatio Monachorum Antonianorum Benedictorum Armenorum
Mkhitʻarean Miabanutʻiwn
Mechitarist Congregation
Congregazione mechitarista
Found inAgean, M. Mkhitʻar, 1976?: t.p. (Mkhitʻarean Miabanutʻean)
Enc. Brit., c1983 (Mechitarists, or Mekhitarists, properly known as the Benedictine Armenian Antonines, Latin: Congregatio Monachorum Antonianorum Benedictorum Armenorum, a congregation of Roman Catholic Armenian monks, f. 1701)
New Cath. enc., c1967 (Mechitarists, the Benedictine Armenian Antonines, f. 1701 by Mechitar)
LC manual auth. cd. (hdg.: Mekhitarists; usage: Mkhitʻarean Miabanutʻiwn, Mkhitʻareankʻ; variants: Mechitarist Congregation, Mechitarists, Mechitharists, Congregazione mechitarista)
Not found inCollier's enc., c1973; Enc. Amer., c1975.