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Heubner, Heinz

LC control no.n 85111090
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingHeubner, Heinz
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Variant(s)Heubner, Heinz, 1908-
Birth date19080306
Field of activityclassical languages and literatures Latin language and literature
Profession or occupationphilologist professor
Found inHis Kommentar zum Agricola des Tacitus, c1984: t.p. (Heinz Heubner)
Bib. nat. de France, via VIAF, 1 April 2011 (Huebner, Heinz; b. March 6, 1908; wrote in German, Latin, Greek; Philologue des langues classiques, et particulièrement de la langue latine. - Ancien professeur et conseiller d'études (en 1994)‏)
Associated languageger lat grc