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Nestle, Marion

LC control no.n 85111906
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingNestle, Marion
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Birth date1936-09-10
Field of activityNutrition Food--Marketing Sociology
AffiliationNew York University Cornell University University of California, San Francisco. School of Medicine
Profession or occupationAuthors College teachers Sociology teachers Visiting teachers
Found inHer Nutrition policy and the elderly, 1983: t.p. (Marion Nestle) cover (Univ. of Calif., San Francisco) p. i (School of Medicine)
Why calories count, c2012: ECIP t.p. (Marion Nestle)
Her Nutrition in clinical practice, c1985: t.p. (Marion Nestle, assoc. dean, lecturer in family and community med.; dir., John Tung-American Cancer Society Clin. Nutrition Educ. Ctr., Univ. of Calif., San Francisco Sch. of Med., San Francisco) ;cover p. 4 (PhD)
Wikipedia, September 16, 2019: individual entry (Marion Nestle is an American academic. She is the Paulette Goddard Professor of Nutrition, Food Studies, and Public Health at New York University. She is also a professor of sociology at NYU and a visiting professor of nutritional sciences at Cornell University. Her research examins scientific and socioeconomic influences on food choice, obesity, and food safety, emphasizing the role of food marketing. Through her role at NYU and her book, Food policies (2002), she has become a national influencer of food policy, nutrition, and food education)
Associated languageeng