LC control no. | n 85113121 |
Descriptive conventions | rda |
Personal name heading | Kuhn, Helmut, 1899-1991 |
Associated country | Germany |
Located | United States |
Birth date | 1899-03-22 |
Death date | 1991-10-02 |
Place of birth | Lubin (Województwo Dolnośląskie, Poland) |
Place of death | Munich (Germany) |
Profession or occupation | Philosophers College teachers |
Found in | His Ideologie, Hydra der Staatenwelt, c1985: t.p. (Helmut Kuhn) p. v (Professor Dr.; Hochschule f. Politik München) LC data base, 6-4-85 (hdg.: Kuhn, Helmut, 1899- ) Sein und Staat, c2005: t.p. (Helmut Kuhn) p. 12 (died Oct. 2, 1991) Wikidata via Wikipedia, December 19, 2019 (alias: Helmut Kuhn; LCAuth identifier: n85113121; VIAF identifier: 108498885; GND identifier: 118725246; ISNI (P213): 0000000109314397; place of birth: Lubin; place of death: Munich; country of citizenship: Germany; instance of: human; employer: Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich, Humboldt University of Berlin, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill; date of birth: +1899-03-22T00:00:00Z; date of death: +1991-10-02T00:00:00Z; given name: Helmut; occupation: philosopher, university teacher; NTA identifier (Netherlands): 074662015; archives at: Bavarian State Library; work location: Munich; PM20 folder ID (P4293): pe/010660; NDL identifier: 00446461; BAV (Vatican Library) identifier: ADV10081128; NUKAT authorities: n98001965; LNB identifier: 000086674; NLP identifier: A26162222; SHARE Catalogue author ID (P3987): 160424; BnF identifier: 12027938q; languages spoken or published: German; FAST-ID: 154364; Angelicum author ID (P5731): 25140; religion: Catholic Church; SUDOC authorities: 028445627; sex or gender: male; NKC identifier: mzk2009535310; PUSC author ID (P5739): 44210; abART person ID (P6844): 90902; surname: Kuhn; Munzinger IBA: 00000008094; description/label: deutscher Philosoph, Duits filosoof , filòsof alemany, filosof german, filósofo alemán, filosofo tedesco, filozof gjerman, German philosopher, philosophe allemand, professor académico alemão, Saksamaa filosoof, tysk professor, פילוסוף גרמני) <> |
Invalid LCCN | n 50047965 |