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Neuhäusl, Robert

LC control no.n 85119057
Personal name headingNeuhäusl, Robert
    Browse this term in  LC Authorities  or the  LC Catalog
Variant(s)Neuhäusl, R. (Robert)
Found inInternational Association for Vegetation Science. International Symposium (26th : 1982 : Prague, Czechoslovakia). Chorological phenomena in plant communities, 1985: CIP t.p. (R. Neuhäusl)
LC data base, 4/11/85 (hdg.: Neuhäusl, Robert; usage: Robert Neuhäusl; RNDr.)
Kovář, P. Klíč k rovnováze , 1989: p. 3 (Člen korespodent ČSAV, RNDr. Robert Neuhäusl, Dr. Sc., b. 6-16-30)
Invalid LCCNn 85043905