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Bilbo, Theodore Gilmore, 1877-1947

LC control no.n 85119172
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingBilbo, Theodore Gilmore, 1877-1947
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Variant(s)Bilbo, Theodore G.
See alsoMississippi. Governor (1916-1920 : Bilbo)
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Mississippi. Governor (1928-1932 : Bilbo)
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Birth date18771013
Death date19470821
Place of birthPoplarville (Miss.)
Place of deathNew Orleans (La.)
AffiliationVanderbilt University. Peabody College
Vanderbilt University. Law Department
University of Michigan
Mississippi. Legislature. Senate
United States. Congress. Senate
Democratic Party (U.S.)
Ku Klux Klan (1915- )
Profession or occupationLegislators
Lieutenant governors
Found inMorgan, C.M. Redneck liberal, c1985: CIP t.p. (Theodore G. Bilbo)
LC data base, 4-18-85 (hdg.: Bilbo, Theodore Gilmore, 1877-1947)
NUCMC data from American Jewish Archives for Brav, S.R. Papers, 1937-1980 (Sen. Theodore G. Bilbo)
Bio. dir. US Congress, 1989 (Bilbo, Theodore Gilmore, a senator from Mississippi; b. near Poplarville, Pearl River County, Miss., Oct. 13, 1877; admitted to bar, 1908; twice elected governor; elected to US Senate in 1934; d. New Orleans, Aug. 21, 1947)
OCLC, Mar.11, 1947 (authorized access point: Bilbo, Theodore Gilmore, 1877-1947; usage: Theodore G. Bilbo; access point: Bilbo, Theodore G., 1877-1947; usage: Theodore G. Bilbo)
Biographical directory of the U.S. Congress website, Mar. 13, 2014 (Bilbo, Theodore Gilmore, a Senator from Mississippi; born on a farm near Poplarville, Pearl River County, Miss., October 13, 1877; attended the public schools, Peabody College, Nashville, Tenn., the law department of Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tenn., and the University of Michigan at Ann Arbor; teacher in district and high schools of Mississippi for five years; admitted to the bar in 1908 and commenced practice in Poplarville, Miss.; member, State senate 1908-1912; elected lieutenant governor 1912-1916; twice elected Governor and served 1916-1920 and 1928-1932; elected as a Democrat to the United States Senate in 1934, 1940 and again in 1946 and served from January 3, 1935, until his death in New Orleans on August 21, 1947; did not take the oath of office in 1947 at the beginning of the Eightieth Congress; chairman, Committee on District of Columbia (Seventy-eighth and Seventy-ninth Congresses), Committee on Pensions (Seventy-eighth Congress); interment in Juniper Grove Cemetery, near Poplarville, Miss.)
Wikipedia, Mar. 11, 2014 (Theodore Gilmore Bilbo (October 13, 1877-August 21, 1947) was an American politician. Bilbo, a Democrat, twice served as governor of Mississippi (1916-20, 1928-32) and later was elected a U.S. Senator (1935-47). A master of filibuster and scathing rhetoric, a rough-and-tumble fighter in debate, he made his name a synonym for white supremacy. Proud of being a racist, Bilbo believed that black people and Jews were inferior, defended segregation, and was a member of the Ku Klux Klan)
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