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Rhead, Louis, 1857-1926

LC control no.n 85121406
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingRhead, Louis, 1857-1926
    Browse this term in  LC Authorities  or the  LC Catalog
Variant(s)Rhead, L. J. (Louis J.), 1857-1926
Rhead, Louis John, 1857-1926
Associated countryEngland United States
Birth date1857-11-06
Death date1926-07-29
Place of birthEtruria (England)
Profession or occupationArtists Illustrators Authors
Found inLCCN 67-350: Defoe, D. Robinson Crusoe, 1966 (hdg.: Rhead, Louis, 1857-1926; usage: L.J. Rhead)
LC data base, 8/7/85 (hdg.: Rhead, Louis, 1857-1926; usage: Louis Rhead)
BL database, 27 Nov. 2007 (hdg.: Rhead, Louis John; usage: Louis Rhead)
Wikipedia, viewed November 8, 2019 (Louis John Rhead; born November 6, 1857, died July 29, 1926; English-born American artist, illustrator, author and angler who was born in Etruria, Staffordshire, England; emigrated to the United States at the age of twenty-four)
National bib agency no.1032F0428E
Associated languageeng
Quality codenlc