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Exegesis on the Soul

LC control no.n 85126700
Descriptive conventionsrda
Uniform title headingExegesis on the Soul
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Variant(s)Exegesis about the Being
Exēgēsis etve ti-psychē
Exegesis of the Soul
Expository treatise on the Soul
Form of worktreatise
Found inExegesis on the Soul. French & Coptic. L'Exégèse de l'âme, 1983: p. 3 (Exegesis on the Soul) t.p. (NH II, 6) p. 62 (Ti-exēgēsis etve ti-psychē)
NLC, 5-24-85 (AACR 2: Exegesis on the Soul)
Helmbold, A.K. The Nag Hammadi Gnostic texts and the Bible, 1967: p. 16 (part of Codex II: The Exegesis (?) about the Being, or, Exegesis of the Soul)
Nag Hammadi codex II, 2-7, 1989: v. 2, t.p. (Expository Treatise on the Soul) p. 136 (ExpositoryTreatise on the Soul; also known as Exegeis on the Soul)