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Kühnert, F. (Friedmar)

LC control no.n 85128172
Personal name headingKühnert, F. (Friedmar)
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Variant(s)Kühnert, Friedmar
Kuehnert, Friedmar
Found inCharisius, F. S. Ars grammatica, 1964: t.p. (F. Kühnert)
BLC (Kuehnert, Friedmar; ref. from Kühnert, Friedmar)
Deut. Bibl., 1961-65 (Kühnert, Friedmar)
Bildung und Redekunst in der Antike, 1994: t.p. (Friedmar Kühnert) p. 216 (b. Nov. 16, 1924, in Dreissigacker/Kreis Meiningen; classical philologist; was prof. at Friedrich-Schiller-Univ. Jena)