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Tripolē (Greece)

LC control no.n 85137344
Descriptive conventionsrda
Geographic headingTripolē (Greece)
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Geographic subdivision usageGreece--Tripolē
Variant(s)Tripolis (Greece)
Tripoli (Greece)
Tripolitza (Greece)
Tripolizza (Greece)
Tripolitsa (Greece)
Τρίπολη (Greece)
Special noteNon-Latin script reference not evaluated.
Found inLappas, F. Peloponnisos, Greece, map, 1981?: map recto (Tripoli)
BGN, 8-21-86 (Trípolis, PPL, 37°31ʹN 22°22ʹE; variants: Tripolizza, Tripolitza)
Phlountzēs, A.I. Sto stratopedo hygeionomikōn Antikythērōn kai stēn Tripolē ... 1988.
Historia tēs Tripolitsas, 1972-1976.
GEOnet, June 26, 2019: (Τρίπολη = Tripolē; Tripoli [approved] -- seat of first-order administrative division 37°30ʹ32ʺN 022°22ʹ46ʺE; variants: Tripolis; Tripolitza; Tripolizza; belongs to Peloponnēsos Region)
Wikipedia, June 26, 2019: (Tripoli; Τρίπολη = Tripolē; municipal unit of Tripoli Municipality; latter formed in 2011 and is capital of Peloponnēsos Region)
Geographic area codee-gr---