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Orlinski, Heinz Bernhard, 1928-2012

LC control no.n 85141611
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingOrlinski, Heinz Bernhard, 1928-2012
    Browse this term in  LC Authorities  or the  LC Catalog
Associated countryGermany
Associated placeDüsseldorf, Germany
Birth date19280820
Death date20121019
Place of birthHindenburg, Germany
Place of deathKaarst, Germany
Profession or occupationChurch musicians Composers Music teachers Organists
Found inAugsburger Vokal-Ensemble. Lyrik des 19. Jahrhunderts in zeitgenössischen Vertonungen [SR] p1982: label (Heinz Bernhard Orlinski) container (b. 1928)
German Wikipedia, March 20, 2013 (Heinz Bernhard Orlinski; born August 20, 1928, Hindenburg; died October 19, 2012, Kaarst; German church musician, composer, high school teacher, and organist; taught at Robert-Schumann-Hochschule Düsseldorf from 1960; later taught at Universität Düsseldorf)