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Ligon, Richard

LC control no.n 85143983
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingLigon, Richard
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Other standard no.54476115
Associated countryEngland Great Britain
LocatedBarbados London (England)
Birth date1585~
Death date1662
Field of activityNatural history
Profession or occupationNature writers Writers
Found inA true & exact history of the island of Barbadoes ... 1673: title page (Richard Ligon)
National union catalog, pre-1956 imprints (Ligon, Richard)
Oxford dictionary of national biography, viewed online 20 September, 2022 (Ligon, Richard; born approximately 1585; died 1662; English business agent and natural science writer; worked in Barbados 1647-1650)
Not found inDNB.
Associated languageeng