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Hackenbroch, Yvonne

LC control no.n 85175181
Personal name headingHackenbroch, Yvonne
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Birth date19120427
Death date20120907
Place of birthFrankfurt, Germany
Profession or occupationArt museum curators
Found inStudien zum europäischen Kunsthandwerk, c1983: t.p. (Yvonne Hackenbroch) p. 7 (b. 1912 in Frankfurt am Main; emigrated to New York via London and Toronto; worked for the collector Judge Irwin Untermyer and for the Metropolitan Museum of Art)
LC data base, 10-22-85 (hdg.: Hackenbroch, Yvonne)
Telegraph WWW site, Sept. 20, 2012 (Yvonne Hackenbroch; b. Apr. 27, 1912, Frankfurt; moved to London, 1937; moved to Toronto, 1946; later worked as a curator at the Metropolitan Museum of New York; moved back to London after her retirement, 1987; d. Sept. 7, 2012; authority on Renaissance jewellery who uncovered a famous faker and also helped excavate Sutton Hoo)