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Banchs, Enrique, 1888-1968

LC control no.n 85186222
Descriptive conventionsrda
LC classificationPQ7797.B275
Personal name headingBanchs, Enrique, 1888-1968
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Variant(s)Mortimor, Ricardo, 1888-1968
Lloret, E., 1888-1968
Olive, J., 1888-1968
Spring, W., 1888-1968
Birth date1888-02-08
Death date1968-06-06
Place of birthBuenos Aires (Argentina)
Place of deathBuenos Aires (Argentina)
AffiliationAcademia Argentina de Letras
Profession or occupationPoet
Found inHis Prosas, 1983: t.p. (Enrique Banchs) p. xiii (pseudonyms: Ricardo Mortimor, E. Lloret, J. Olive, W. Spring)
LC data base, 11-26-86 (hdg.: Banchs, Enrique, 1888-1968)
Library of Congress Palabra Archive, September 14, 2024: (Enrique Banchs; Argentine poet reading from his verse)
Academia Argentina de Letras website, September 14, 2024: (Enrique Banchs; born February 8, 1888 in Buenos Aires; died June 6, 1968; founding member; elected president June 30, 1938; author of one article is Antonio Requeni;
City of Buenos Aires government website, September 14, 2024: (Enrique Banchs; born 1888 in Buenos Aires; died 1968 in Buenos Aires; poet)
La Prensa (news) (Argentina) website, September 14, 2024: posted November 28, 2021 (Enrique Banchs; born 1888; died 1968; author the article is Antonio Requen; has his picture)
SEPA Argentina website, September 14, 2024: (Enrique Banchs; born 1888 in Buenos Aires; died 1968 in Buenos Aires; author of Las barcas (1907), El libro de los elogios (1908), El cascabel del halcón (1909), and La urna (1911) (his last work); member of the Academia Argentina de Letras (source: Diccionario de Poetas Argentinos; edited by Oscar Abel Ligaluppi (La Plata (capital of the province of Buenos Aires) : Edición FEB (Fondo Editorial Bonaerense), marzo de 1984)))
Associated languagespa