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Ibn Zuhr, ʻAbd al-Malik ibn Abī al-ʻAlāʼ, -1162

LC control no.n 85194395
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingIbn Zuhr, ʻAbd al-Malik ibn Abī al-ʻAlāʼ, -1162
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Variant(s)ʻAbd al-Malik ibn Abī al-ʻAlāʼ ibn Zuhr, -1162
Abu Marwan ibn Zohr, -1162
Avenzoar, -1162
Avenzoar, d. 1161
Ibn Zohr, Abu Marwan, -1162
Ibn Zuhr, ʻAbd al-Malik ibn Abī al-ʻAlāʼ, d. 1162
أبو مروان عبد الملك بن زهر
ابن زهر، عبد الملك بن أبي العلاء
ابن زهر، عبد الملك بن أبي العلاء، -1162
Death date1162
Special noteMachine-derived non-Latin script reference project.
Non-Latin script references not evaluated.
Found inHis Kitāb al-taysīr fī al-mudāwah wa-al-tadbīr, 1983: v. 1, t.p. (Abū Marwān ʻAbd al-Malik ibn Zuhr)
LC manual auth. cd. (hdg.: Avenzoar, d. ca. 10 1162)
Encyc. Brit. (hdg.: Ibn Zuhr; Abū Marwān ʻAbd al-Malik ibn Abī al-ʻAlāʼ Zhur, b. ca. 1090; d. 1162)