LC control no. | n 85194879 |
Geographic heading | Van (Turkey) |
Geographic subdivision usage | Turkey--Van |
Variant(s) | Urartu (Turkey) Thostia (Turkey) Wan (Turkey) |
Found in | BGN phone call, 8/21/85 (Van, Turkey; variants: Urartu; Thostia; 38°30ʹN; 43°23ʹE; pop. pl.) Büyük lûgat ve ansikl. (Van; capitol city of the prov. of Van; Eastern Anatolia; inhabited since neolithic times; famous as a city of the Kingdom of Urartu (1400-1200 BC) in whose inscriptions it was known as Tuşpa [no publs. in LC data base]) Çınar, H. Lîstikên zarokan yên Kurd, 2005: p. 91, etc. (Wan) GeoNames, algorithmically matched, 2009 (ppl; 38°29ʹ39ʺN 043°22ʹ48ʺE) |
Geographic area code | a-tu--- |