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Coriolanus, Cnaeus Marcius

LC control no.n 85196364
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingCoriolanus, Cnaeus Marcius
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Variant(s)Coriolanus, Gnaeus Marcius
Corialanus, Cnaeus Marcius
Coriolanus, Cn. Marcius
Found inMalvezzi, V. Considerations upon the lives of Alcibiades and Corialanus, 1650.
Der kleine Pauly (Coriolanus, cognomen of Cn. Marcius Coriolanus, one of the greatest figures in Roman hist.)
Oxford classical dict., 2nd ed. (Coriolanus, Gnaeus Marcius)
Lex. d. alten Welt (Coriolanus, Cn. Marcius; legendary hero of Rome from the 1st half of the 5th cent. B.C.)
LC data base, 8/22/85 (hdg.: Coriolanus, Cn. Marcius; variant: Coriolan)