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Börnstein, Heinrich, 1805-1892

LC control no.n 85201304
Personal name headingBörnstein, Heinrich, 1805-1892
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Variant(s)Boernstein, Henry, 1805-1892
Boernstein, Heinrich, 1805-1892
Found inHis Fünfundsiebzig Jahre in der Alten und Neuen Welt, c1985: CIP t.p. (Heinrich Börnstein) p. 5, etc. (b. in Hamburg 1805; lived in Austria and Paris; emigrated to Illinois; practiced medicine, then journalism; returned to Austria in 1866; active in theater and photography; d. in Vienna 9-10-1892)
LC manual auth. cd. (hdg.: Börnstein, Heinrich, 1805-1892; variant: Henry Boernstein)
Giebisch, H. Bio-biblio. Lit.lex. Österr., 1963 (Börnstein, Heinrich (Ps. Walter v. Berge; H. Germamer [no publs. in LC]); b. 11-4-1805 in Hamburg; d. 9-10-1892 in Wien; list of works)
NUCMC data from Library of Congress Manuscript Division for His Collection, 1851 (Börnstein, Heinrich; previously cataloged under Heinrich Boernstein; German author; dramatic compositions; donated by Henry M. Boernstein in 1908)
Not found inKosch, W. Dt. Lit.-Lex., 1949; Neue dt. Biog., 1955; Österr. Lex., 1966.
Invalid LCCNn 96007226