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Lawton, H. W. (Harold Walter)

LC control no.n 85205940
Personal name headingLawton, H. W. (Harold Walter)
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Variant(s)Lawton, Harold Walter
Found inDu Bellay, J. Poems, 1972: t.p. (H.W. Lawton, em. prof. of French in the Univ. of Sheffield)
LC in OCLC, 10-25-85 (hdg.: Lawton, Harold Walter; usage: H.W. Lawton)
Times online WWW site, Dec. 27, 2005 (Professor Harold W. Lawton; b. Harold Walter Lawton, July 27, 1899, Stoke-on-Trent; d. Dec. 23, 2005; veteran of the First World War who became a leading scholar of French literature)