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Agencia Efe

LC control no.n 85225618
Corporate name headingAgencia Efe
    Browse this term in  LC Authorities  or the  LC Catalog
Variant(s)Spain. Agencia Efe
EFE (Organization)
Found inCastro, F. Sobre la deuda impagable de América Latina ... 1985: t.p. (Agencia EFE)
El Gob. inf., 1964: v. 2, p. 448 (Agencia Efe, sociedad anónima promovida oficialmente en 1939)
The caves of Altamira [VR] 2004: opening credits (EFE; Spanish film production company)
Electronic communication with a representative from the Ministerio de Cultura, Spain, Nov. 16, 2009 (EFE is the same as Agencia Efe)