LC control no. | n 85233601 |
Geographic heading | Macclesfield (England) |
Geographic subdivision usage | England--Macclesfield |
Variant(s) | Macclesfield (Cheshire) |
See also | Cheshire East (England) |
Found in | Triad (Macclesfield, Cheshire). Triad ; 47. Hartley, P. One bad apple, 1984?: t.p. (Macclesfield, Cheshire) LC data base, 8-4-85 (hdg.: Macclesfield, Eng.) Mun. yrbk., 1985 (Macclesfield Borough, Cheshire) BL hdg. (Macclesfield (England)) [UK] Communities and local government web site, 26 Aug. 2009: Local Government Re-organisation 2009 page (Cheshire County Council and its lower tier councils have been divided into two new Unitary Authorities: Cheshire West and Cheshire Unitary Authority, and Cheshire East Unitary Authority. Cheshire is no longer an administrative area but remains a ceremonial county. Cheshire East ... has been created from part Cheshire County Council, Crewe and Nantwich, Congleton and Macclesfield. ) GeoNames, algorithmically matched, 2009 (ppl; 53°15ʹ00ʺN 002°07ʹ00ʺW) |
Geographic area code | e-uk-en |