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Schönborn, Christoph von

LC control no.n 85239633
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingSchönborn, Christoph von
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Variant(s)Von Schönborn, Christoph, 1945-
Schoenborn, Christoph, 1945-
Schönborn, Christoph Maria Michael Hugo Damian Peter Adalbert, 1945-
Other standard no.0000000122842434
Associated countryAustria
LocatedVienna (Austria)
Birth date1945-01-22
Place of birthVlastislav (Czech Republic)
Catholic Church. Archdiocese of Vienna (Austria)
Profession or occupationCardinals
Priests Bishops Religious educators
Found inDie Christus-Ikone, 1984: title page (P. Christoph Schönborn OP)
LC in RLIN, 9/26/85 (hdg.: Schönborn, Christoph von ; usage: Christoph von Schönborn)
The mystery of the Incarnation, 1992: back cover (Christoph von Schönborn, formerly professor of dogmatic theology at Université de Fribourg, Switzerland; presently auxiliary bishop of Vienna)
Die Menschen, die Kirche, das Land, 1998: title page (Christoph Kardinal Schönborn) jacket (born 1945 in Bohemia)
With Jesus every day, 2006: ECIP title page (Christoph Cardinal Schoenborn) data view (Cardinal Christoph Schoenborn is Archbishop of Vienna; leader in Catholic Church)
Kirche und Eisenbahn, 2012 title page (Christoph Schönborn) page 421 (Cardinal, Archbishop of Vienna)
German Wikipedia, viewed November 29, 2017 (Christoph Schönborn; Christoph Schönborn OP; born January 22, 1945, in Burg Skalken, near Leitmeritz in the Sudetenland (now Vlastislav in the Czech Republic); full name: Christoph Maria Michael Hugo Damian Peter Adalbert Schönborn; entered the Dominican order in 1963; archbishop of Vienna; named Cardinal by Pope John Paul II on February 21, 1998)
Associated languageger
Invalid LCCNn 2006002883