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Enzinas, Franciscus de, 1518-1552

LC control no.n 85239790
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingEnzinas, Franciscus de, 1518-1552
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Variant(s)Enzinas, Francisco de, 1520-1552
Enzinas, Francisco de, d. 1552
De Enzinas, Francisco, 1518-1552
Elao, Francisco de, 1518-1552
Dryander, Franciscus, 1518-1552
Dryander, Francis, 1518-1552
Chesne, Françoys du, 1518-1552
Du Chesne, François, 1518-1552
Quernaeus, Franciscus, 1518-1552
Eichmann, Franciscus, 1518-1552
Eyk, Franciscus van, 1518-1552
Encinas, Francisco de, 1518-1552
Enzinas, Franzisco de, 1518-1552
Encinas, Franzisco de, 1518-1552
Duchesne, François, 1518-1552
Chesne, François du, 1518-1552
Elaus, Franciscus, 1518-1552
Encinas, François d', 1518-1552
Other standard no.0000000458789155
LocatedLouvain (Belgium) Wittenberg (Saxony-Anhalt, Germany) Basel (Switzerland) Cambridge (England) Strasbourg (Free imperial city)
Birth date1518-11-01
Death date1552-12-30
Place of birthBurgos (Spain)
Place of deathStrasbourg (Free imperial city)
Field of activityTheology
Profession or occupationHumanists Theologians Translators
Special noteAccording to many sources, e.g. Katalog der Deutschen Nationalbibliothek, catalogue général BnF, Claudius Senarclaeus is a pseudonym of Francisco de Enzinas, 1520-1552. According to other sources, e.g. OCLC 893690130, Historia vera de morte Sancti viri Joannis Diazij Hispani was written by Francisco de Enzinas from reports by Claudius Senarclaeus. In that case they are two different persons.
Found inHis Dos informaciones, 1982: t.p. (Francisco de Enzinas)
LC in RLIN, 10/7/85 (hdg.: Enzinas, Francisco de, d. 1552; usage: Francisco de Elao)
His Epistolario, 1995: t.p. (Francisco de Enzinas) p. xvii (Spanish Reformer, b. Burgos 1520; Francisco de Enzinas, dit Dryander) p. xxii (d. Strasbourg, 1552) p. xxvi (Francisci Dryandri Hispani Epistola)
English Wikipedia, viewed on Sept. 18th, 2024 (Francisco de Enzinas (1 November 1518? - 30 December 1552), also known by the humanist name Francis Dryander (from the Greek drus, which can be translated encina in Spanish), was a classical scholar, translator, author, Protestant reformer and apologist of Spanish origin.)
German Wikipedia, veiwed on Sept. 18th, 2024 (Francisco de Enzinas (born November 1, 1518 in Burgos; died December 30, 1552 in Strasbourg), also known as Franciscus Dryander, Françoys du Chesne, Quernaeus, Eichmann, van Eyck (from the Spanish encina = [stone] oak), was a Spanish humanist and Protestant who was the first to translate the New Testament from Greek into Spanish. Francisco de Enzinas lived as a Spanish Protestant on the run in the 16th century. He left behind a number of translations of ancient, especially Greek authors into Spanish, some of which have not yet been fully recorded, as well as independent writings, some of which were written under pseudonyms.)
Katalog der Deutschen Nationalbibliothek, viewed on Sept. 18th, 2024 (Enzinas, Francisco de; born Burgos, 1518; died Strasbourg, 1552; theologian, active in Louvain, Wittenberg, Basel, Cambridge and Strasbourg; variant names: Encinas, Francisco de; Enzinas, Franzisco de; Encinas, Franzisco de; De Enzinas, Francisco; Duchesne, François; Du Chesne, François; Chesne, François du; Elao, Francisco de; Elaus, Franciscus; Encinas, François d'; Dryander, Franciscus)