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Cotterrell, Roger (Roger B. M.)

LC control no.n 85240886
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingCotterrell, Roger (Roger B. M.)
    Browse this term in  LC Authorities  or the  LC Catalog
Associated countryGreat Britain England
Associated placeLondon (England)
Field of activitySociological jurisprudence Law
AffiliationUniversity of London. Queen Mary
Profession or occupationLaw teachers College teachers Authors
College and university faculty members
Found inCotterrell, Roger. The sociology of law, 1984: title page (Roger Cotterrell, LL. M., M. S. C., senior lecturer, Queen Mary College, University of London) title page verso (Roger B.M. Cotterrell)
Not found inWW, 1980-81 (British)
Associated languageeng