LC control no. | n 85272940 |
Descriptive conventions | rda |
Personal name heading | Benítez Claros, Rafael, 1919-1972 |
Variant(s) | Claros, Rafael Benítez, 1919-1972 |
Other standard no. | Q6097053 |
Associated country | Spain |
Birth date | 1919 |
Death date | 1972-01-30 |
Place of death | Madrid (Spain) |
Profession or occupation | College teachers Critics Literary historians Philologists Authors |
Found in | Homenaje a Rafael Benítez Claros, 1972. Qq en let. esp., 1969 (Benítez Claros, Rafael; b. Malaga 1919; historian, literary critic) Wikidata, May 21, 2021 (alias: Rafael Benitez Claros; instance of: human; sex or gender: male; languages spoken or published: Spanish; given name: Rafael; date of birth: +1919-00-00T00:00:00Z; date of death: +1972-01-30T00:00:00Z; country of citizenship: Spain; occupation: literary critic, literary historian, philologist, full professor; surname: Benítez; second family name in Spanish name: Claros; place of death: Madrid; employer: University of Valencia; native language: Spanish; description/label: filólogo, Spaans literatuurcriticus , Spanish literary critic , ناقد أدبي إسباني; Angelicum ID: 81655; BNE identifier: XX1119380; BnF identifier: 127851343; FAST-ID: 171690; GND identifier: 1056717564; Google Knowledge Graph ID: /g/122152mx; LCAuth identifier: n85272940; NTA identifier (Netherlands: ) 072616121; NUKAT authorities: n2006085224; PTBNP identifier: 137448; SHARE Catalogue author ID: 393719; SUDOC authorities: 061142026; Vatican Library VcBA ID: 495/135225; WorldCat Identities ID: lccn-n85272940) <> |
Associated language | spa |