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Jupp, Peter

LC control no.n 85279799
Personal name headingJupp, Peter
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Found inHis Lord Grenville, 1759-1834, 1985: t.p. (Peter Jupp)
LC in RLIN, 4-15-86 (hdg.: Jupp, Peter)
Crowds in Ireland, c. 1720-1920, 2000: CIP t.p. (Peter Jupp, Professor of British history, The Queen's University, Belfast) data sheet (b. 8-20-1940)
Independent online ed., Oct. 11, 2006 (Professor Peter Jupp; b. Aug. 20, 1940, Hackney, London; d. Sept. 14, 2006, Belfast; historian of the "long" 18th century)