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Prinz, Manfred

LC control no.n 85288666
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingPrinz, Manfred
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Variant(s)Prinz, M. (Manfred)
Prinz, Manfred F.
Associated countryGermany
Associated placeSenegal
Birth date1951
Place of birthDüsseldorf (Germany)
Field of activityEducation Romance languages German language Literacy programs
AffiliationJustus Liebig-Universität Giessen
Université de Dakar
Senegal. Ministère de la culture
Profession or occupationGerman teachers Language teachers Literature teachers College teachers
Found inHis Das Motiv der Reise im Frühwerk von Blaise Cendrars, 1910-1929, 1985: t.p. (Manfred Prinz)
Visages publics du Sénégal, c1990: t.p. (M. Prinz, Manfred Prinz)p. 249 (b. 1951, in Düsseldorf, Germany; thèse de 3e cycle, Genève, 1985; lecturer of German, Univ. de Dakar, 1984-1988; conseiller technique, Ministère de culture à Dakar, 1987-1988; since 1988 researcher in Dakar, and with CNRS(DFG) in Bayreuth; consultant ACCT, 1990, involved in literacy programs in Senegal)
Die kulturtragenden Institutionen Senegals, 1992: t.p. (Manfred F. Prinz)
Rap RoMania, Jugendkulturen und Fremdsprachenunterricht, 2015: t.p. (Manfred Prinz (ed.)) p. 202 (Manfred F. Priz, Professor of Didacticism in Romance Languages and Literatures at Justus Liebig-Universität Giessen)
Associated languageger
Invalid LCCNnr 95035563