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Bermejo, Bartolomé

LC control no.n 85310113
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingBermejo, Bartolomé
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Variant(s)Cardenas, Bartolomé de
Found inZueras Torrens, F. Bartolomé Bermejo, el pintor nómada, 1983: p. 15 (b. Córdoba, 15th cent.)
LC data base, 2-28-86 (hdg.: Bermejo, Bartolomé)
Bartolomé de Cárdenas, "El Bermejo", 1996: CIP text (15th cent. painter known as Bartolomé Bermejo)
Spanish artists from the fourth to the twentieth century, c1993-1996 (Bermejo, Bartolomé, ca. 1440-ca. 1498.1500; do not confuse with Bartolomé de Cardenas, ca. 1575-1628)
ULAN, Aug. 5, 2008 (Bermejo, Bartolomé; Spanish painter, ca.1436-ca.1498)