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Agathocles, Tyrant of Syracuse, 361 B.C.-289 B.C

LC control no.n 85310512
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingAgathocles, Tyrant of Syracuse, 361 B.C.-289 B.C.
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Variant(s)Agathocles, Tyrant of Syracuse, 361-289 B.C.
Agathokles, Tyrant of Syracuse, 361 B.C.-289 B.C.
Agatocle, Tyrant of Syracuse, 361 B.C.-289 B.C.
Birth date-0360
Death date-0288
Found inPerrinchief, R. The Syracusan tyrant, or, The life of Agathocles ... 1666.
Ency. Brit. (Agathocles; 361 B.C.-289 B.C.; tyrant of Syracuse from 317-ca. 304 B.C.; self-styled King of Sicily after 304 B.C.)
LemprieĢ€re's classical dictionary of proper names mentioned in ancient authors, 1949 (Agathocles; reduced all Sicily under his power; d. in 72d year in 289 B.C. after a reign of 28 years)
Consolo Langher, S.N. Agatocle, 2000.
Syrakus unter Agathokles und Hieron II., c2005.