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Lusignano, Stefano, 1537-1590

LC control no.n 85310640
Personal name headingLusignano, Stefano, 1537-1590
    Browse this term in  LC Authorities  or the  LC Catalog
Variant(s)Lusignan, Stefano di, 1537-1590
De Lusignan, Estienne, 1537-1590
Lusignan, Estienne de, 1537-1590
Found inHis Chorograffia et breve historia universale dell'isola de Cipro ... 1573: t.p. (Fr. Stefano Lusignano di Cipro)
Dict. of univ. biog. (Lusignan, Stefano di, Cyprian historian, 1537-1590)
Chorograffia, 2004: v. 1, t.p. (Estienne de Lusignan)
Not found inDiz. encic. ital.; Encic. ital.; Encic. univ. ilus.; Grande diz. encic.; Larousse.