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Manitius, Max, 1858-1933

LC control no.n 85311450
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingManitius, Max, 1858-1933
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Variant(s)Manitius, Maximilian, 1858-1933
Manitius, Maximilianus, 1858-1933
Manitius, M. (Max), 1858-1933
Other standard no.101122659
Associated countryGermany
Birth date1858-03-23
Death date1933-09-21
Place of birthDresden (Germany)
Place of deathRadebeul (Germany)
Field of activityHistory Latin philology, Medieval and modern
AffiliationMonumenta Germaniae Historica (Deutsches Institut für Erforschung des Mittelalters)
Profession or occupationHistorians Philologists Medievalists Teachers Authors
Found inIllustrierte Weltgeschichte, 1901: title page (Max Manitius)
NUC pre-1956 (Manitius, Maximilianus, 1858-1933)
Geschichte der christlich-lateinischen Poesie bis zur Mitte des 8. Jahrhunderts, 1891: title page (M. Manitius)
German Wikipedia, viewed December 2, 2024 (Max Manitius; born March 23, 1858, in Dresden; died September 21, 1933, in Kötzschenbroda (a town section of Radebeul); German historian and Latinist, known for his studies of Medieval Latin; obtained his doctorate in 1881 in Leipzig)
Deutsche Nationalbibliothek online catalog, viewed December 2, 2024 (access point: Manitius, Max; other data in authority record: German historian, classicist, teacher, and author; born 1858 in Dresden, died 1933 in Kötzschenbroda; associated with Monumenta Germaniae Historica; variant forms of name: Manitius, Maximilianus; Manitius, Maximilian; Manitius, M.)
Associated languageger lat