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World Wide Fund for Nature

LC control no.n 85317279
Descriptive conventionsrda
Corporate name headingWorld Wide Fund for Nature
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Fonds mondial pour la conservation de la nature
WWF International
Tahirim-Bola Iraisam-Pirenena Misahana ny Fiarovana ny Zavaboary
Fondo Mundial para la Naturaleza
Worldwide Fund for Nature
World Wide Fund for Nature International
Quỹ bảo vệ thiên nhiên thế giới
Vsemirnyĭ fond dikoĭ prirody
Fundo Mundial para Natureza
Kō̜ngthun ʻAnulak Thammasāt Lōk
Shi jie zi ran ji jin hui
See alsoWorld Wildlife Fund
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WWF (Organization)
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Beginning date1986
Ending date2001
Found in1986 IUCN red list of threatened animals, 1986 (name not given)
Encyclopedia of associations, 1987, v. 4, International organizations (World Wide Fund for Nature; formerly World Wildlife Fund International; WWF; located in Gland, Switzerland; same address and officials as former World Wildlife Fund; Fonds mondial pour la Conservation de la Nature)
WWF special report, 1989: t.p. (WWF; WWF International)
Phone call to WWF--United States, 9/23/1991 (WWF International is a variant name used in their publications; official name: World Wide Fund for Nature)
Initiation pratique à la conservation de la nature ... 1989: pref. (Tahirim-Bola Iraisam-Pirenena Misahana ny Fiarovana ny Zavaboary)
Taller sobre Areas Silvestres y Necesidades Humanas (1988 : Bogotá, Colombia). Memorias del Taller sobre Areas ... 1989?: t.p. (Fondo Mundial para la Naturaleza, WWF)
Managing the wetlands ... 1992: t.p. (WWF-I (World Wide Fund for Nature--International))
Overvågning af marsvin 1988, 1989: t.p. (WWF-Verdensnaturfonden)
Research and monitoring for Lake Nakuru National Park ... 1993: t.p. (Worldwide Fund for Nature)
Kenya coastal forests, 1993: t.p. (World Wide Fund for Nature) p. i (World Wide Fund for Nature International)
Các vườn quốc gia và khu bảo tồn thiên nhiên Việt Nam, 1995: t.p. (WWF) introd. (Quỹ bảo vệ thiên nhiên thế giới)
Final report, 1996?: p. 10 (World Wildlife Fund for Nature (WWF))
Presença humana em unidades de conservação, 1996?: cover p. 4 (Fundo Mundial para Natureza--WWF) p. 10 (WWF--Fundo Mundial para a Natureza)
Partnerships for protection, 1999: t.p. (logo: WWF) verso of t.p. (WWF-International) p. 4 of cover (World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF))
Don Kikhoty, 1998: t.p. (World Wide Fund for Nature; WWF; Vsemirnyĭ fond dikoĭ prirody)
WWF home page, Mar. 7, 2003 (WWF - The Conservation Organization) who we are (WWF is a global organization acting locally through a network of family offices; "As a network, WWF needs a central 'secretariat' in order help coordinate what each local office does. This secretariat is located in Switzerland and it is known as WWF International ... WWF originally stood for 'World Wildlife Fund.' However, in 1986, WWF had come to realize that its name no longer reflected the scope of its activities. WWF changed its name from World Wildlife Fund to the 'World Wide Fund For Nature.' The United States and Canada, however, retained the old name. The resulting confusion caused by the name change in 1986, together with its translation into more than 15 languages, led the WWF Network in 2001 to agree on using the original acronym as its one, global name - the acronym that it had always been known by since its inception way back in 1961: 'WWF'.")
Phontō̜pthǣn thāng dān sētthakit chāk kānʻanulak pāmai thammasāt yū nai Khwǣng Sēkō̜ng, 2003: cover p. 2 (Kō̜ngthun ʻAnulak Thammasāt Lōk)
Changjiang yuan qu qi hou bian hua ji qi sheng tai shui wen ying xiang, 2008: t.p. (WWF (世界自然基金会) = WWF (Shi jie zi ran ji jin hui))
Invalid LCCNn 93113984