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Slodnjak, Anton

LC control no.n 85318423
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingSlodnjak, Anton
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Birth date1899-06-13
Death date1983-03-13
Found inIstorija slovenačke književnosti, 1972: t.p. (Dr Anton Slodnjak)
LC data base, 1-29-86 (hdg.: Slodnjak, Anton)
nuc90-65297: Cvetnik slovenskega umetnega pesništva ... 1978 (hdg. on MH rept.: Slodnjak, Anton, 1899- ; usage: Anton Slodnjak)
Pogledi na slovensko književnost, 1999: t.p. (Anton Slodnjak) back cover (b. June 13, 1899, d. March 13, 1983)