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Ruhbach, Gerhard

LC control no.n 85319436
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingRuhbach, Gerhard
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Associated countryGermany
Associated placeBethel (Bielefeld, Germany)
Birth date1933-03-31
Death date1999-11-10
Place of birthKönigsberg (Germany)
Place of deathBielefeld (Germany)
AffiliationKirchliche Hochschule Bethel
Profession or occupationChurch historians
University and college faculty members
Found inGrosse Mystiker, 1984: title page (Gerhard Ruhbach) page 399 (born 1933; teaches church history at the Kirchliche Hochschule Bethel)
LC data base, February 5, 1986 (hdg.: Ruhbach, Gerhard)
Glaubend leben, 1994: title page (Gerhard Ruhbach) page 194 (born March 31, 1933, in Königsberg)
German Wikipedia, viewed May 7, 2020 (Gerhard Ruhbach; born March 31, 1933, in Königsberg (Prussia); died November 10, 1999, in Bielefeld; German Protestant theologian and professor of church history; research interest: Christian spirituality)
Associated languageger