LC control no. | n 85328507 |
Geographic heading | Araguaína (Brazil) |
Geographic subdivision usage | Brazil--Araguaína |
Variant(s) | Araguaiana (Tocantins, Brazil) |
Found in | Projeto de Desenvolvimento Integrado da Bacia do Araguaia-Tocantins. Plano de desenvolvimento das áreas-programa de Araguaína e Tocantinópolis, 1985: p. 7 (As áreas-programa de Araguaína e Tocantinópolis localizam-se no extremo norte do Estado de Goiás, na área limítrofe com os Estados do Maranhão e do Pará) Phone call to BGN, 12/1/86 (Araguaína, ppl, 7 12ʹS, 48 12ʹW; variant: Araguaiana) Goiás e Tocantins, 1989: t.p. (Tocantins) p. 5 (The former state of Goiás was divided, the northern portion becoming the state of Tocantins; the remainder of the former state kept the name of Goiás) p. 14 (created by the 1988 Brazilian Constitution) GeoNames, algorithmically matched, 2009 (ppl; 07°11ʹ28ʺS 048°12ʹ26ʺW) |
Not found in | U.S. Off. of Geog. Brazil, 1963 (Araguaiana, PPL, in State of Mato Grosso) |
Geographic area code | s-bl--- |