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Harrison, William Henry, 1773-1841

LC control no.n 85345431
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingHarrison, William Henry, 1773-1841
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Variant(s)Harrison, William Henry, Pres. U.S., 1773-1841
See alsoIndiana Territory. Governor (1800-1812 : Harrison)
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United States. President (1841 : Harrison)
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Birth date1773
Death date1841
Found inOfficial arrangements for the obsequies of the late president William Henry Harrison ... 1841.
LC data base, 1/9/86 (hdg.: Harrison, William Henry, Pres. U.S., 1773-1841)
Governor of the state of Indiana website, July 25, 2007: previous governors (territorial governors: William Henry Harrison (1773-1841), May 13, 1800-Dec. 28, 1812)
To your posts!, 2025: CIP galley (Major General William Henry Harrison; appointed governor of Indiana Territory in 1800; general in the War of 1812)
Associated languageeng