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Posner, Michael, 1931-2006

LC control no.n 85345578
Personal name headingPosner, Michael, 1931-2006
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Found inProblems of international money, 1972-85, 1986: CIP t.p. (Michael Posner) galley 20 (economic dir., Nat. Economic Development Off., London)
LC data base, 4/17/86 (hdg.: Posner, Michael)
WW, 1985 (Posner, Michael Vivian; b. 8/25/31; Nat. Econ. Dev. Off. since 1984)
Guardian unlimited WWW site, Mar. 17, 2006 (Michael Posner; b. Michael Vivian Posner, Aug. 25, 1931, London; d. Feb. 14, 2006; applied economist and champion of the social sciences)