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Tobler, John, 1696-1765

LC control no.n 85352462
Personal name headingTobler, John, 1696-1765
    Browse this term in  LC Authorities  or the  LC Catalog
Variant(s)Weatherwise, Abraham, 1696-1765
Fox, Thomas, 1696-1765
More, Thomas, 1696-1765
Special noteUnable to ascertain relationship with: Bullard, Samuel, 1742-1816 (n86-084897), Jerman, John, 1684-1769 (nr89-011878), all with pseud.: Abraham Weatherwise; Weatherwise, Abraham (n85-067477); or: Weatherwise, A. (no2001-039920), or: Tobler, John, esq. (no2003-080645)
Found inMWA/NAIP files (hdg.: Tobler, John, 1696-1765; usage: Abraham Weatherwise; Thomas Fox; John Tobler; Thomas More; note: leader of group of Swiss emigrants who settled in S.C.; store owner, inventor, and author of almanacs)