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Fenger, Christian, 1840-1902

LC control no.n 85800186
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingFenger, Christian, 1840-1902
    Browse this term in  LC Authorities  or the  LC Catalog
Variant(s)Fenger, Chr. (Christian), 1840-1902
Birth date1840
Death date1902
Found inLCCN A41-4629: Bay, J.C. Dr. Christian Fenger, 1940 (hdg.: Fenger, Christian, 1840-1902)
A new kolpoplastic operation for atresia or defect of the vagina, 1887: t.p. (Christian Fenger)
Four months among the surgeons of Europe, 1887: t.p. (Dr. Chr. Fenger)