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Vie quotidienne

LC control no.n 85800644
Descriptive conventionsrda
Uniform title headingVie quotidienne
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See alsoVQ
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Series place/Issuing bodyParis Hachette
Series analysis practicef DLC ICU UPB
Series tracing practicet DPCC UPB
Series class practices DLC ICU UPB
Form of workSeries (Publications) Monographic series
Special noteDid not appear as series on books between ca. 1972 and ca. 1993.
Do not record as series unless explicit series statement appears on book; the logo VQ on the spine, or the use of a different color on cover and spine for the opening words of each title proper are not to be construed as a series statement; disregard entirely as series on bibliographic records.
Prior to AACR 2 considered a series even in absence of explicit series statement.
Found inMillepierres, F. La vie quotidienne des médecins au temps de Molière, 1964: p. 251.
La vie quotidienne des Musulmans au Moyen Age, 1951: series title page (Parus ou a paraitre dans "La vie quotidienne"; list of 21 titles, including La vie quotidienne des Musulmans au Moyen Age)
Not found inMongrédien, G. La vie quotidienne des comédiens au temps de Molière, 1980: spine (VQ)
Invalid LCCNn 95109759