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Lagarde, Paul de, 1827-1891

LC control no.n 85806068
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingLagarde, Paul de, 1827-1891
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Variant(s)De Lagarde, Paul, 1827-1891
Lagarde, Paul Anton de, 1827-1891
Lagarde, Paulus de, 1827-1891
Lagarde, P. A. de (Paul Anton), 1827-1891
Boetticher, Paul Anton, 1827-1891
Boetticher, Paulus, 1827-1891
Birth date1827
Death date1891
Found inFavrat, J. La penseĢe de Paul de Lagarde, 1827-1891, 1979: t.p.
LC data base, 4-17-85 (hdg.: Lagarde, Paul Anton de, 1827-1891; usage: Paulus de Lagarde, Paulus Antonius de Lagarde)
NUC, pre-1956 (hdg.: Lagarde, Paul Anton de, 1827-1891; usage: Paul de Lagarde; name originally : Paul Anton Boetticher)
Constitutiones apostolorum, 1966: t.p. (P.A. de Lagarde) cover (Paul de Lagarde)
His Arica, 1851: t.p. (Paulus Boeticher, art. liber. mag. philos. doct. in Academia Halensi priv. doc. Societ. Orient. German. sodalis.)