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Crompton, John, 1893-1972

LC control no.n 85809864
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingCrompton, John, 1893-1972
    Browse this term in  LC Authorities  or the  LC Catalog
Variant(s)Lamburn, John Battersby Crompton, 1893-
Associated countryGreat Britain
Birth date1893
Death date1972
Found inLCCN 58-13283: His A hive of bees, 1958 (hdg.: Lamburn, John Battersby Crompton, 1893- ; usage: John Crompton [pseud.])
His A hive of bees, 1987, c1958: t.p. (John Crompton) cover p. 4 (b. 1896)
His The sea, 1988: t.p. (John Crompton) p. 4 of cover (born 1896 (sic); served in Rhodesian Mounted Police; died 1972)
BLAISE, 6/88 (hdg.: Crompton, John, 1893- )
Wikipedia, viewed July 7, 2014: (John Battersby Crompton Lamburn; born 1893; died 1972; brother of Richmal Crompton; joined Royal Air Force in 1940 at 47; was avid beekeeper; wrote The Kingdom That Was (1931), Strong Waters (1932), The Second Leopard (1932))