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Fishback, Price Van Meter

LC control no.n 85812184
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingFishback, Price Van Meter
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Variant(s)Fishback, Price V.
Associated countryUnited States
LocatedTucson (Ariz.)
Field of activityEconomics
AffiliationUniversity of Arizona
Profession or occupationCollege teachers
Found innuc85-45624: His Employment conditions of Blacks in the coal industry ... [MI] 1983 (hdg. on CU rept.: Fishback, Price Van Meter; usage: Price Van Meter Fishback)
His Soft coal, hard choices, 1992: CIP t.p. (Price V. Fishback)
Public choice essays in honor of a maverick scholar, 1999: CIP t.p. (Price Fishback; Dept. of Economics, U. of Arizona)
The Oxford handbook of American economic history, 2018, ©2018: title page (Price V. Fishback) jacket (Thomas R. Brown professor of economics at the University of Arizona)
Associated languageeng